
TextType の位置を変えてテスト。

        Dim IllApp As New Illustrator.Application
        Dim NewDoc As Illustrator.Document = IllApp.ActiveDocument
        Dim TextItem1 As Illustrator.TextArtItem
        Dim Str As String
        Dim rowCount As Integer
        Dim colCount As Integer = 40
        Dim Str2 As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

        For n As Integer = 0 To Str2.Length - 1
            Str = (Str2.Substring(n, 1))
            rowCount = 10

            'test 1
            TextItem1 = NewDoc.TextArtItems.Add
            With TextItem1
                .Kind = AiTextType.aiAreaText '-----------------------TextType
                .Contents = Str
                With .TextRange
                    .Font = "ArialNarrow"
                    .Size = 10
                    .Paragraphs(1).Justification = AiJustification.aiLeft
                End With
                .Top = 789 - (13 * rowCount)
                .Left = colCount
            End With

            'test 2
            rowCount += 5
            TextItem1 = NewDoc.TextArtItems.Add
            With TextItem1
                .Contents = Str
                .Kind = AiTextType.aiAreaText '-----------------------TextType
                With .TextRange
                    .Font = "ArialNarrow"
                    .Size = 10
                    .Paragraphs(1).Justification = AiJustification.aiLeft
                End With
                .Top = 789 - (13 * rowCount)
                .Left = colCount
            End With

            'test 3
            rowCount += 5
            TextItem1 = NewDoc.TextArtItems.Add
            With TextItem1
                .Contents = Str
                With .TextRange
                    .Font = "ArialNarrow"
                    .Size = 10
                    .Paragraphs(1).Justification = AiJustification.aiLeft
                End With
                .Kind = AiTextType.aiAreaText '-----------------------TextType
                .Top = 789 - (13 * rowCount)
                .Left = colCount
            End With

            colCount += 7

test 3 で全て表示可能。test 2 では表示しない文字がある。
基本は test 1 の後にテキストパスを作成しなければいけないのか?